Sunday, November 6, 2011

Glorious Sunday (Or How I Sucked My Sunday Dry)

This sleeping baby is Keren, and she's only 21 days old! It's always amazing to look at little children and see their innocence and fervor for the new world that surrounds them. Seems like we all should learn from them and throw away all our old inhibitions and be like newborns, exactly like this little shark (her mother calls her that, haha.)

Anyway, visiting her was one of the many things I did today. Love my Sundays, especially those that comes accompanied by a public holiday -wait for it- Monday. How precious are these days!

So here's what I did. I'm writing this down because it's a rare thing for me to pack so many things into one day.

1. Church at 8.30am, with Leanne!

2. A pre-wedding briefing for Jamesther's wedding. Really hope that I'll be able to attend the rehearsal, what with the unpredictability of dates these days with a tournament coming up.

3. Called Joyce to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The girl was probably pressing the phone hard to her ears in some street in Melbourne, and half the time she was unable to hear much, but it was still good considering everyone in the cell group got to talk to her for a well.

4. Went to see baby Keren! Soon, she'll probably look like the Michelin Man, and start to crawl, walk, talk, and be 18 in a flash. But it's okay, 21-day old sleeping Keren has been immortalised in this photo.

5. Afternoon coffee/taboo session with Jasmine, Gwen and Michelle in a nice cosy coffeehouse in the middle of nowhere. Okay, it was Upper Thomson, but it did felt like nowhere. Was thinking that if I knew of that place earlier, would have brought people over there. Missed Yuen because she had to leave before I came over, but it was a very nice time hanging out with them.

6. Jeremy's house for a farewell for cellgroup mate Jon before he turns into Army Boy/Man. I was the oldest there, can you believe it? Loads of food to fill the tummy, a Taboo gender war and a very fierce dog ironically named "Mei Mei" who is anything but, capped the evening.

7. And finally, at 11pm, watched the neither-here-nor-there flick "In Time" with cell mates. Samuel quipped, "Should be called Waste Time" and I couldn't agree more. But exchanging our exasperation with the unexciting Timberlake vehicle was quite funny.

And that's the end of my day, well, nearly, since it's 2.35am as I'm typing it while listening to Plain White Tee's "1,2,3,4" (a significant song for a special event coming soon. As if it hasn't been significant enough.)

So I've been kept busy. In a relaxing way. Which is probably good considering Christmas is coming again, also not forgetting the birthday. 24. Yikes.

And now, I finally feel the fatigue settling into the bones. Goodnight, sweet dreams, and a very happy public holiday Monday.

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