Sunday, March 27, 2011


我很好。。。 这句话应该不是敷衍自己。



要往好的方面想, 不然只会害到自己。


差一点忘了在生活中的有些人, 他们几时进入你的世界, 几时离开。








Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It seems like someone forshadowed this dilemma. I've seen people deal with this situation before and I truly wondered how they end up with their decisions.

The great big orange ball versus the great big salary machine.

Stacking up two passions against one another. Hardly fair,don't you think?

But the truth is, we only have 24 hours everyday.

And the salary machine has already controlled my weekends.

Now, it's my turn to choose.

It's obvious, but painful. It's obviously painful. Or painfully obvious.

Woe is me.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hurray for an Off Day.

It's an off day for me today.

*Insert BIG Smiley*.

Really, really big smiley.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fishy Business

I had a chance to watch Fish Leong at a private showcase because my sister had tickets. And for those of you who know me KNOW ME, you know I'm a big fan. I'm a grouper (pun!). I brought Amanda with me because we went blading before that, so "shun pian".

Plus, it was a highlight to my Saturday, which happened to be the only rest day in the midst of work. (Next week no shoot! YEAH!)

We were a tad late, so we missed the first few songs. But we did manage to catch her older hits, such as “可惜不是你” and “崇拜”.

And like always, she can express emotions through her voice so well. Her songs have long been part of my history, ever since I went to her concert in 2007 and was blown away. Every one of her albums remind me of different parts of my life, especially my university life and the segments in between.

I really like her songs. They remind me of Shanghai. And more importantly, reminds me of you, you, and you.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Just Enjoy The Show.

I had the opportunity to meet her in person!

(And also the opportunity to ask her to move here and there to get the framing right.)

Ahhh... the benefits of working in the media.

That said, it's 2 full days of shooting this weekend.

But then again, I'm kinda excited about it.

And have prepared for it by having a great weekend last week- went blading, watched Lenka's showcase, went refereeing, had a restful Sunday, an Oscar-winning movie and some KOI to end the weekend. All in all, I was in good company.

(Yay! I do have a life!)

In the midst of having almost no weekends to myself this month, I have resolved to make my weekdays my weekends. So, ask me out for dinner if you're in town during the week, will ya?

And don't worry about my resting. I think God takes care of me very well.

In the meantime, watch the video and enjoy the show. I bet you've heard the song before.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Foolish and The Wise

God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.

That was from 1 Cor 1:27, a passage that I had read a few weeks ago which left quite an impression in my head.

One, it's because I acknowledge myself as a "foolish" thing. I spew out lame jokes, am utterly careless, spring any sort of puns onto situations whenever possible (inappropriately sometimes) and have been described by my employer as "something wrong with you....*pause*... in a good way."

Two, we humans sometimes are too smart for our own good. I also acknowledge myself as a wise person- or perhaps, I think myself to be wise. When I do a certain thing, I think through it, and understands from a logical point of view that a certain result will come out from the thing I do. Most of the time, I'm right in my predictions. Most of the time.

But the statement goes, God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.

And things do happen to the foolish and the wise. After all, God invented love, which is foolish. But beautiful.

Love. Giving, and receiving nothing at all in return. Foolish.

Love. Makes you do stupid, irrational things that will come back and bite you in the end. Foolish.

Love. Giving with an open heart, with a contented heart. Still foolish.

Sometimes, I find myself being both sides of the same coin, being foolish and wise at the same time. What I do know is, and constantly remind myself, in the end, I will be humbled by whatever that happens.

Because nothing on this earth is forever, but He is. And if you think of the number of people who you once met but have since turned themselves into strangers in an instant, you know it is true.

So, God, use me to shame the wise. I don't mind at all.