Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Believe In What Your Tee Shirt Says

I've had a Star Wars tee shirt for 1 year now. It was bought in a H&M store in Tokyo when I helped my dad out at an event there.

Nobody said much about the shirt, only that it was quite cool, and "Wah, wearing Harrison Ford's face eh?"

In a sleepy stupor, I wore it to production a few weeks ago. The director of photography looked at my shirt and said, "Cool shirt!"

I said, "Ya."

"So you watch Star Wars?"


"What? You've never watched Star Wars? Don't talk to me."

Apparently, Star Wars is such a powerful franchise that a lot of people, especially people in production, are inspired by it.

Therefore, I decided to buy the trilogy (the old one with Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia) on eBay.

Let's hope it doesn't put me to sleep like what the new Transformers movie did.

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