Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Faith In Humanity Destroyed

I cannot understand why people cannot fight for their own people.

And also, for what's right.

I just thank God that no one human being is above the law.

The law serves the innocent and punishes the guilty.

If you threaten, hit and slap someone in an arena with 100 witnesses, you will be punished.

If you see something but choose to ignore it, congratulations, you've just added on to the decay of our society.

If you try to justify the act of hitting someone because he's a foreigner, you might have a deadly bout of Xenophobia and you need to get checked out, or counseled. Before you start to whack others yourself. It's a dangerous world, especially if people like you exist.

If your man got whacked, and you call it a misunderstanding, I don't think anyone will want to work for you ever.

And the above, are nothing but words. Commentary, writer's own opinion.

"Faith in Humanity". It is the numskulls, the fist-wavers, braggers, people who think they're bigger than the world, who destroy this faith in humanity.

Again, I thank God that no human being is above the law.

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