Monday, June 1, 2009

Make Your Ideas Happen

During an online conversation with a friend in which he has laid out his plans for his entire future, he asked a simple "How about you?"

I then proceeded head-first into an answer, without thinking much. Long term plan is to hopefully own a production house, mid-term is to make a lot a lot of movies and send them to festivals, and now I want to learn flash and dreamweaver, so I can create my own interactive website and make my MacBook Pro into a money-making machine.

Having a plan is one thing, but executing it is as good as trying to travel to the moon. First, you have discussions, then you decide if it's feasible. You draw out plenty of maps to find the fastest route to the moon, then source for equipment. You then learn how to use the controls for the space shuttle, and prepare yourself physically.

But, you don't know when you'll ever be ready. It takes real guts to print out your own "Space-ready" license and paste it on your shoulders, press the launch button, panic everytime the shuttle goes off-course and finally, after much slogging, get to the damn moon.

Then again, having an idea beats nothing. Having 1 idea beats having 0 ideas. Even though the moon looks far, and probably is very far, every teeny weeny step counts. Sometimes, instead of getting to the moon, people land on stars and other planets instead, which I think is perfectly fine if they're happy playing in the Milky Way.

And also, being an intern in faraway China is a likely factor towards the formation of this plan. So many resources suddenly available from all corners of this country. Whatever you want, you can get as long as you have the money and the determination. Everything can be found here, pelican cases, reflectors, cameras, headphones. I am no longer conformed to tiny Singapore, where resources are expensive and few. I am no longer chained to my own dogma, which states that I'm never going to be good enough.

Therefore, today, I'm taking my first official step towards the moon. I have a plan, which I have to iron out (maybe after I read a highly recommended book with an open mind), a goal, and a space shuttle to build. In fact, I'm all set.

Today, I'm starting on making my idea happen.

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