Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shanghai Shenanigans Part 10- Why didn't you turn around, why did you knock thrice

This is Felicia, after being hit by a tree. Joyce took the picture, and I was right behind, laughing my ass off.*

*The above picture may seem irrelevant to this post, but trust me, it's a good photo to cheer anyone up at the expense of one of my beloved housemate.

I lost my expensive earphones yesterday. Saw it when I locked my house door on the way out to work, and the next time I opened up my bag, it was gone. I was on my way out the condominium's gates, and was on my way to a meeting, so I figured there was no time to turn back to get it. I had drawn out a few suspicious places that it might have dropped, and there was a 1/3 chance it had fallen while I was still at home. The other 2 places possible was the lift landing and the lift itself.

When I reached home, the truth beckoned. No earphones were found in my abode, therefore confirming the odds were right. My lovely, expensive, pretty white earphones with superior noise-canceling ability were gone. I felt my world of crystal clear sound collapse before my very eyes.

So, like a kid crying over spoilt milk, I became quite pissed off. But then again, there was no one to blame but my past self, who'd refused to spend 5 minutes just to go back and search for it. I started to piss off my housemates by doing inane things such as knocking on Felicia's toilet door when she was bathing. Enraged because her "Yes?What?" went unanswered, she opened the toilet door with nothing but a ....... and said, "Deanna Tan!"

In the end I managed to calm myself down by doing sit-ups until I remembered how it felt like after a good workout. And mourn a little for my earphones which may have been incinerated by some rubbish company by now.

Probably cheer myself up by investing in a good piece of headphones this time. One so huge I will notice it if I ever lose it. Or look that the above picture and think back, "Why Felily cannot see the tree branch even though it was damn huge and right in front of her?"

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