God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.
That was from 1 Cor 1:27, a passage that I had read a few weeks ago which left quite an impression in my head.
One, it's because I acknowledge myself as a "foolish" thing. I spew out lame jokes, am utterly careless, spring any sort of puns onto situations whenever possible (inappropriately sometimes) and have been described by my employer as "something wrong with you....*pause*... in a good way."
Two, we humans sometimes are too smart for our own good. I also acknowledge myself as a wise person- or perhaps, I think myself to be wise. When I do a certain thing, I think through it, and understands from a logical point of view that a certain result will come out from the thing I do. Most of the time, I'm right in my predictions. Most of the time.
But the statement goes, God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.
And things do happen to the foolish and the wise. After all, God invented love, which is foolish. But beautiful.
Love. Giving, and receiving nothing at all in return. Foolish.
Love. Makes you do stupid, irrational things that will come back and bite you in the end. Foolish.
Love. Giving with an open heart, with a contented heart. Still foolish.
Sometimes, I find myself being both sides of the same coin, being foolish and wise at the same time. What I do know is, and constantly remind myself, in the end, I will be humbled by whatever that happens.
Because nothing on this earth is forever, but He is. And if you think of the number of people who you once met but have since turned themselves into strangers in an instant, you know it is true.
So, God, use me to shame the wise. I don't mind at all.