Monday, February 24, 2014

Whip it up

I don't usually cook. No, correction. I don't cook. But since I was on welfare duty for shoot, I had to whip up some tantalizing treats for the cast and crew.

Turkey bacon with Golden Mushroom

Celery with tuna in cream cheese

And so, today I decided to cook my very own Portabello Mushroom with bacon. I forgot to get the cheese sadly, and so...

Looks not bad right.

Taadaa! My first meal not involving instant noodles and a man called Campbell.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Before I forget

From the (timely) dating workshop with the YA people, my favorite parts:

Do not think you can bring a person to Christ through an unequal yoke relationship. 
- I once thought that it's possible. But what I did was to set a really bad example :(

- Must remember to safeguard ourselves as well as our better halves against compromising circumstances. 

There is a range of people made for you.
- a lot of people can be The One. Fun fact: Neo in the Matrix, was the 6th one

What you see is what you get
-people change, but not much.

There is never a reason to be unkind in a relationship
- We got into a pretty foul mood once, but I still continued to hold his hand, and appreciated the fact he held my hand back, and tightly. 

If you are not content when you are single, you will not be content when you are attached.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Valentine

In light of the upcoming Valentine's Day that I usually don't quite care for because I have been single in most of my 26 years on earth, I must confess now that I will be enjoying that evening in the comfort of the basement car park classroom in my church. Because there is cell groups that day.

Without my valentine.

Because Jesus is the lover of my soul. He is of most importance. Sadly, there's also shoot the next day so I better not have other plans lest I have to work overtime to prepare for the shoot.

But I do bring good news about my valentine, about the person whom I met, talked to, started SMS-ing, started going out with, realizing how we both like the same kind of jokes, dinosaurs, and above all, being attracted by his love for Christ. 

I am really, really happy to fling my arms up in joy and declare,"I'm attached!!" 

And it is really nothing less than the love of God that led us together. Nothing less than the power of God that uncomplicate matters that are humanly complicated.


This is Zhi Rong. One can say he is the Rong person for me. But another can also say that I am also the Rong girl for him. Geddit?

 Surprise, Justin :)

Anyway, he is of course upset that we cannot spend Vday together, but he has consoled himself by saying,"never mind lar, can save money on that day since it will be expensive everywhere."

Heehee. Thank you Lord for this awesome man.