Okay Deanna. Now you're at your laptop at 2.30am in the morning. Your heart is still beating fast at the thought of tomorrow. The sheer thought of having to make things happen in a matter of 4 hours.
It is going to take a lot of effort. Today, you suddenly burst into the song "There can be miracles" while doing audio correction and Aubree hurriedly said, "No, we don't need miracles but we need a lot a lot of effort." That was funny.
And when you were idling around on your laptop, you fell down while sitting. WHILE SITTING. That was a moment where the thought of 12pm tomorrow managed to displace your butt from your seat.
And then there's also the realisation that when EFF WHY PEE end, everything ends. Sorta. No more roaring over your lousy English (yes Deanna, you have the lousiest English among your groupmates)- over your descriptions in the final report such as "a wealth of mistakes", "he had the look and feel of Timothy", and the classic line "A wave of guts came over Timothy" (and I wasn't intending to describe puking) which had the Supervising Tutors in stitches.
That means no more free high definition cameras to borrow, no more "waituntildieliao" editing. (Melissa and I named one of our files "waituntildieliao" when we waited for it to export. It felt literal.) No more spending Valentine's Day with David's brother, which is our beloved/hated AVID editing suites and the editing software of the same name.
And no more "zao lor-ing" until the last hour to export everything- no wait, tomorrow's the last one- or teenage romance/sucide fantasies/ gangsters stories about a green-haired Or Gao or blond Beng Hock (Sin Ting will be happy to hear that). No more clambering onto a lorry, pushing tracks in a warehouse, and moving the equipment in the amazingly spacious Rush.
The editing. The editing is another thing to be missed. From mistaking a Honda for a Toyota, to the unintentional "eroticised" leg-and-skirt shot and the amazing huge amount of shots we took out in the "but it's still so scary" part. Hilarious.
You're going to miss working with the group. It's bittersweet. The things and people that you've gotten used to, finally. Melissa's semi-deaf ears but super sharp eyes and anal streak (She's quality control). Aubree's lazy but much-faster way of editing and her "pek chek" tsks and her biting of fingers whenever she needs to think. You might even miss Campbell's intense bowing of head whenever he sees something he don't like and Knee's skinny... well, knees.
You smile when you remembered how the script came to be. It was a boyfriend-brother search, then a father-boyfriend search, then two teenage girls' odyssey, then a bike came into the picture, then a full circle right back to boyfriend and brother. You talked to someone important about the vague things you had and she told you a story about how a guy needed to cross a tunnel and hey presto, you thought of Pulau Ubin. You wanted an illegal immigrant encounter, a boat ride and your "imagination knew no bounds". But the coolest part of the script was that everyone contributed and wrote it together. From Pulau Ubin it became a fish farm. And so on, and so on.
It's 3.40am and what the heck are you doing here, addressing yourself in the 2nd person, and not resting for tomorrow's 4 hours of nonsensical madness?
You've no idea, but you do know that you're quite happy with the final cut of the film, and it was because of your groupmates and your supervising tutors that it turned out this way.
You can't wait to show it to everyone.
But now, you gotta go and sleep.