Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Last Day

I'd just woken up from a weird dream in which I was playing video games all day, when it came to me that today shall be the last full day in Shanghai.

Tomorrow, it would be the full 180 days, the full 6 months in China. The day I leave my apartment of 6 months.

And while I scroll down my msn list of the people I got to know in the past 6 months, some of them already changed their nicknames to "home sweet home".

Home sweet home. Omg. Home sweet home.

I'm not that looking forward to going home. Between me and the folks at home, there's a 6 month time difference that I'd have to face. But that's the least of all that. In this whole experience, there are now 2 people other than my family (actually 3, including Soon), who'd seen the real me, stripped down to the bone, who'd gotten used to my extreme temperamental behaviour, and these people I've gotten used to seeing in the morning. We'd all go mad in the house, raging and ranting at each other, get irritated at each other for the different decisions we want to make, but in the end, a hug and a talk resets everything back to normal.

So many inside jokes. So many good and bad episodes together. So many things that's hard to let go.

I'd miss living with these people, the best housemates ever.

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